
The LA district of the USFWS should be embarrased

"But the anticipated massive storm fizzled, and the agencies ended up with hundreds of threatened fish and nowhere to put them if, indeed, their native habitat is lost."

This is the silliest article I have ever read. Can anyone explain why they can't just put most of them back into the stream and keep a few dozen if the last remaining stream is destroyed in a landslide (which I believe is unlikely - 14 miles of stream completely destroyed by a little mud? I think the fish probably evolved to take a debris torrent or two)?

This is the most specious argument I have ever heard *we had to move them because we were afraid they were going to be extirpated from LA County and now we can't put them back because there is a danger of their last remaining habitat being destroyed... at some point in time.*

It sounds like the obvious solution is to restore old habitat in a few other streams (Malibu Canyons have some great habitat) and reintroduce them to their historic range in LA County so that the USFWS and the USFS don't have to cart them around town.

Read the entire ridiculous article in the LA Times here: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-station-fire-fish18-2010jan18,0,5732740.story

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