
Aerial Photography Links for Oregon

2011 1 meter NAIP Imagery
The Oregon Geospatial Enterprise Office is now providing access to 2011 NAIP Imagery (1-meter) through a dynamic image service for thefollowing counties: Benton, Clatsop, Columbia, Gilliam, Lincoln, Morrow, Polk, Tillamook, Washington, and Yamhill. The 2011 NAIP will beavailable statewide, however the remaining counties are still being processed, so stay tuned. If you want to use the imagery locally, you can download it from the USDA/NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway: http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/GDGOrder.aspx#.
The 2011 imagery is accessible through ArcGIS REST, WMS, and WCS services:
·       Preview/ArcGIS.com: http://bit.ly/qB6s1t
Other Imagery hosted by GEO:
GEO also hosts Imagery for 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2009. Use the same links as listed above, substituting the year you'd like to connect to in order to access those epochs.
In addition to dynamic image services (as listed above), we have cached imagery services for the 2009 1/2 meter NAIP product, currentlyavailable in two projections: Oregon Lambert Int' Ft (cached down to 1:4k) and Web Mercator Aux Sphere (cached down to 1:36K).
Oregon Lambert Projection:
·       Preview/ArcGIS.com: http://bit.ly/nK50gx
Web Mercator Projection:
·       Preview/ArcGIS.com: http://bit.ly/pYMlVQ
Please contact me with any questions or other general feedback about these Imagery Services.
Erik Endrulat, GISP
GIS Analyst-Web Administrator
DAS EISPD Geospatial Enterprise Office
955 Center St. NE, rm 470
Salem, OR 97301 | 503-378-2781
Twitter: @OregonGEO