
North Coast Land Conservancy Series

In between gusts or rain and wind the first signs of spring are beginning to show: willows are starting to bud up and bright yellow skunk cabbage blooms are pushing their way up through the soil. We're all looking forward to watching spring slowly unfold on Oregon's beautiful North Coast!
This month we have some great opportunities for you to become inspired by the natural world around you. Join us for Listening to the Land and Saturday Morning Stewardship as we explore the beauty and regenerative power found in the wetlands.

Listening to the Land Wetlands: A Documentary about Art and Ecology

Wednesday March 16, 7:00-9:00 PM, Seaside Public Library
with filmmaker Carl Vandervoort and artist Deborah DeWit

Documentary filmmaker Carl Vandervoort and Oregon artist Deborah DeWit collaborated on this 1-hour film that follows the artist for a year both in her studio and on the adjacent land that has provided her inspiration and subject matter for over a decade: a former dairy farm surrounded by suburbia, slowly undergoing wildlife habitat restoration. The film juxtaposes DeWit's feelings of responsibility as an artist to use her creativity to explore truths of the natural experience with the voices of environmental activists, citizens and restoration workers, all of whom address the theme of the value of encountering, preserving and enlarging the "wild" world.
A question and answer session with both artist and filmmaker will take place after the screening. For more information on Wetlands: A Documentary about Art and Ecology, visit www.wetlandsdocumentary.com.
Listening to the Land is a winter natural history lecture series co-sponsored by the Necanicum Watershed Council. For more information on this and other Listening to the Land programs, please visit our website atwww.nclctrust.org, or contact NCLC Development Director Teresa Retzlaff at (503) 738-9126 orteresar@nclctrust.org.

Saturday Morning Stewardship: Stewardship at Fishers Point Wetland

Saturday March 26, 10:00 am-1:00pm (meet at Wheeler Train Station at 9:45)

Participate in the stewardship of a beautiful coastal wetland by joining North Coast Land Conservancy for this month's Saturday Morning Stewardship event. Work will take place at NCLC's Fishers Point property near Wheeler, and offers a rare chance to visit this wetland marsh at the edge of Nehalem Bay. We'll be picking up trash and debris littering this sensitive habitat, so bring waterproof rubber boots, gloves, rain gear, water and a lunch to enjoy in this beautiful setting. We'll need lots of volunteers to make this effort possible, so please join us in the fun! We will meet at the Wheeler Train Station at 9:45 am and carpool to Fishers Point.
For more information, contact Celeste Coulter, North Coast Land Conservancy Stewardship Director at (503) 738-9126 or celestec@nclctrust.org.
Thanks for your interest. See you outside!

North Coast Land Conservancy is supported in large part by donations from people like you. Please consider supporting us! 

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