This is what the frog looks like; historic surveys indicated the Yellow Legged Frog was once abundant in mountain wetlands and streams at elevations higher than 1200' but the frogs all but disappeared after 1968.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Noon – 4:00 pm
Frenchman’s Bar Park, Vancouver, WA
☼ Food ● Drinks ●Races in the Big Canoes ● Games ● Prizes ☼
Frenchman’s Bar Park. 9612 NW Lower River Park Road. Vancouver. WA
Follow the directional signs with the Estuary Partnership logo to the park.
Link to park web site at www.co.clark.wa.us/parks-trails/frenchmans.html
Inform the parking attendant you are a guest of the Estuary Partnership Celebration.
Please let us know by Friday, July 31, 2009 if you plan to join us. Reply to events@lcrep.org or call
Laura O’Keefe, 503-226-1565 x226. Check our website for more details coming soon at www.lcrep.org
Greetings Science Work Group Members,
Just a reminder about our Science Work Group big canoe trip coming up on July 28. We're still working out logistics and need to get an estimate on how many people will participate in the paddle. Please let us know if you plan to come on our paddle by emailing me at corbett@lcrep.org. Please RSVP by Wednesday, July 23.
Keep in mind that the paddle is important for networking with colleagues working in the lower Columbia River, for more hands-on experience on the water/resource we’re all working to protect and for expanding your knowledge of natural history from other Science Work Group members. It is a great way to learn what others are working on and possible collaboration opportunities. And some times it is just important to insert a day in the field to keep oneself happy and motivated.
The basic agenda for the paddle is as follows:
9:00 - Meet at the Estuary Partnership office for a van pool to Ridgefield, WA (meeting at the boat ramp will also be an option)
9:45 - Arrive at Ridgefield Boat Ramp
10:00 - Start the paddle
11:30 – Stop for Picnic (Estuary Partnership provided box lunch)
12:30 -1:00 Arrive back at Ridgefield Boat Ramp
1:15 - Leave Ridgefield Boat Ramp
1:45 - Arrive back at the Estuary Partnership office.
We'll follow up with additional details next week. We will be providing both lunch and transportation to and from the boat ramp.
Should be a great trip! Hope many of you can participate. To see photos of the Big Canoes - check out the Estuary Partnership's On-River Experience Page: http://www.lcrep.org/ed_on_river.htm
Please let us know if we can answer any questions!
Catherine Corbett
Technical Programs Manager
Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership
811 SW Naito Parkway, Suite 410
Portland, OR 97204
(503) 226-1565 ext 240Greetings Gateway PAC Members,
I’m looking forward to seeing you all at our meeting on Wednesday, July 15 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM in Classroom 1 of the East Portland Community Center (740 SE 106th Avenue).
We have a packed agenda, including:
Leadership Elections: The PAC will elect its leaders for the 2008-09 year. Please note that we’ll need a quorum of members in order for the vote to be official.
New PAC Members: We have two new PAC members! Tom Mahoney will be representing the Gateway Area Business Association (don’t worry, we haven’t lost Fred, he has taken another seat on the PAC). Sarah Zahn will represent Human Solutions, Inc, replacing Dorene. Both Tom and Sarah will be in attendance to introduce themselves.
Economic Development Strategy: PDC staff Kate Deane and Geraldene Moyle will be presenting the City of Portland’s Economic Development Strategy. We’re allotting 45 minutes for a presentation and Q&A. This strategy represents a paradigm shift in how the City approaches economic development and job creation. You won’t want to miss this presentation!
Goodbye, Dorene!: Sadly for us (but maybe not for her!), this will be the last PAC meeting for Dorene Warner. She’ll be attending the PAC meeting to say goodbye.
As always, please let me know if you won’t be able to attend; otherwise, see you on the 15th!
Justin Douglas, AICP
Senior Project Coordinator
Portland Development Commission
phone 503-823-4579 fax 503-865-3609
Position Description: Restoration Projects Coordinator
Effective: June 2009
Salary Range: $37,800-$57,800
Status: Regular Full Time, Limited Duration 12-18 months
Supervisor: Technical Programs Manager
Location: Warren and St. Helens, Oregon
Two years experience with designing, developing and managing on-the-ground habitat restoration projects focusing on Pacific salmon. A Bachelor's degree in a field related to hydrology, water quality, marine sciences, engineering, biology or habitat restoration is required. A Master's degree is preferred.
The Restoration Projects Coordinator is an employee of the Estuary Partnership who will work closely with staff at the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council and Lower Columbia River Watershed Council to identify, design and develop new habitat restoration projects and provide support on existing projects. In particular, this position is focused on current and historically tidally influenced habitats along the mainstem lower Columbia River and estuary that are important for Pacific salmon recovery. Work includes working with Watershed Council staff, agencies, other project sponsors and landowners to identify, design and develop habitat restoration projects; write project proposals; submit quarterly reports to funders and provide other support as needed. This position is part of a pilot project funded by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to support restoration project development by addressing staffing constraints of local Watershed Councils and other restoration entities in the Lower Columbia River region. The project may be expanded to aid the Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce in developing restoration project proposals. Hence, this position requires strong leadership and interpersonal skills; oral and written communication skills; and the ability to adapt to an evolving program.
The position will be co-located at the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council in Warren, Oregon and the Columbia County Soil and Water Conservation Service in St. Helens, Oregon. Travel will be required throughout the tidally influenced portions of Columbia County, as well as regular trips to the Estuary Partnership’s office in Portland. The position is a limited duration position with funding through December 2010. The position may be extended.
Employees in this position have regular contact with staff throughout the Estuary Partnership and Watershed Council organizations; staff from agencies; the business community and the public. Employees in this position can deal with sensitive issues, and the issues involved must be handled with tact and diplomacy.
Employees in this position work with a high degree of independence under general direction of the Technical Programs Manager. Work is reviewed on a regular basis through informal conferences, and written assignments are reviewed upon completion for accuracy, timeliness, and conformance to applicable state and federal laws, and organization policies and procedures, and correct secretarial and office practices and procedures.
Not applicable at this time.
§ Perform work in a logical, orderly, and skillful manner.
§ Support and carry out the Estuary Partnership ethics of placing first the river and the citizens and working to celebrate others and their work.
§ Be adaptable to changes in workload.
§ Has strong written and verbal communication skills.
§ Maintain high level of professionalism.
§ Accept work assignments that could require additional training.
§ Provide exceptional customer service.
· Skill working in a team environment with understanding of roles and responsibilities of team members.
· Strong interpersonal skills allowing the ability to work with many personalities while always showing respect for differing opinions and experiences.
· Skill informing and working with the public to instill the importance of habitat restoration and Pacific salmon recovery.
· General knowledge of the laws, procedures, principles, and regulations governing the water quality, endangered species, fish and wildlife protection and land use. Knowledge about Columbia Basin or Lower Columbia River and the National Estuary Program helpful.
· Skill communicating verbally and in writing with a variety of people or organizations to answer questions and explain information, policies, regulations, decisions, or actions.
· Skill writing and editing clear and concise reports, funding proposals, newsletters, and other related documents.
· Skill providing information, policy advice, and assistance to a supervisor.
Submit hard copy applications to: Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership, 811 SW Naito Parkway, Suite 410 Portland, OR 97204.
Submit electronic applications to lcrep@lcrep.org. Electronic applications must be submitted as one PDF document that includes the formal cover letter, detailed resume and three references as described above. The email subject line title should be “Restoration Projects Coordinator” and the PDF file name the same as the applicant’s.
Applications must be received by 4:00 pm, Monday July 17, 2009.
The Estuary Partnership values diversity and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Position Description: Restoration Projects Coordinator
Effective: June 2009
Salary Range: $37,800-$57,800
Status: Regular Full Time, Limited Duration 12-18 months
Supervisor: Technical Programs Manager
Location: Warren and St. Helens, Oregon
Two years experience with designing, developing and managing on-the-ground habitat restoration projects focusing on Pacific salmon. A Bachelor's degree in a field related to hydrology, water quality, marine sciences, engineering, biology or habitat restoration is required. A Master's degree is preferred.
The Restoration Projects Coordinator is an employee of the Estuary Partnership who will work closely with staff at the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council and Lower Columbia River Watershed Council to identify, design and develop new habitat restoration projects and provide support on existing projects. In particular, this position is focused on current and historically tidally influenced habitats along the mainstem lower Columbia River and estuary that are important for Pacific salmon recovery. Work includes working with Watershed Council staff, agencies, other project sponsors and landowners to identify, design and develop habitat restoration projects; write project proposals; submit quarterly reports to funders and provide other support as needed. This position is part of a pilot project funded by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to support restoration project development by addressing staffing constraints of local Watershed Councils and other restoration entities in the Lower Columbia River region. The project may be expanded to aid the Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce in developing restoration project proposals. Hence, this position requires strong leadership and interpersonal skills; oral and written communication skills; and the ability to adapt to an evolving program.
The position will be co-located at the Scappoose Bay Watershed Council in Warren, Oregon and the Columbia County Soil and Water Conservation Service in St. Helens, Oregon. Travel will be required throughout the tidally influenced portions of Columbia County, as well as regular trips to the Estuary Partnership’s office in Portland. The position is a limited duration position with funding through December 2010. The position may be extended.
Employees in this position have regular contact with staff throughout the Estuary Partnership and Watershed Council organizations; staff from agencies; the business community and the public. Employees in this position can deal with sensitive issues, and the issues involved must be handled with tact and diplomacy.
Employees in this position work with a high degree of independence under general direction of the Technical Programs Manager. Work is reviewed on a regular basis through informal conferences, and written assignments are reviewed upon completion for accuracy, timeliness, and conformance to applicable state and federal laws, and organization policies and procedures, and correct secretarial and office practices and procedures.
Not applicable at this time.
§ Perform work in a logical, orderly, and skillful manner.
§ Support and carry out the Estuary Partnership ethics of placing first the river and the citizens and working to celebrate others and their work.
§ Be adaptable to changes in workload.
§ Has strong written and verbal communication skills.
§ Maintain high level of professionalism.
§ Accept work assignments that could require additional training.
§ Provide exceptional customer service.
· Skill working in a team environment with understanding of roles and responsibilities of team members.
· Strong interpersonal skills allowing the ability to work with many personalities while always showing respect for differing opinions and experiences.
· Skill informing and working with the public to instill the importance of habitat restoration and Pacific salmon recovery.
· General knowledge of the laws, procedures, principles, and regulations governing the water quality, endangered species, fish and wildlife protection and land use. Knowledge about Columbia Basin or Lower Columbia River and the National Estuary Program helpful.
· Skill communicating verbally and in writing with a variety of people or organizations to answer questions and explain information, policies, regulations, decisions, or actions.
· Skill writing and editing clear and concise reports, funding proposals, newsletters, and other related documents.
· Skill providing information, policy advice, and assistance to a supervisor.
Submit hard copy applications to: Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership, 811 SW Naito Parkway, Suite 410 Portland, OR 97204.
Submit electronic applications to lcerp@lcrep.org. Electronic applications must be submitted as one PDF document that includes the formal cover letter, detailed resume and three references as described above. The email subject line title should be “Restoration Projects Coordinator” and the PDF file name the same as the applicant’s.
Applications must be received by 4:00 pm, Monday July 17, 2009.
The Estuary Partnership values diversity and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.